Executive Financial Leadership

Lighthouse also provides executive financial leadership and advice to senior management teams and Boards of Directors.  Our involvement is broad and can range from a senior financial management role to the negotiation and structuring of long-term, financial and strategic partnerships.

This is often achieved in the role of Chief Financial Officer or Chief Administrative Officer where we can provide solutions in all facets of finance: accounting, reporting, taxation, corporate finance and human resources.  Our clients have ranged from information technology start-ups to larger, middle-market companies which operate in more traditional industries.

Our role is tailored and scaled to match each client’s specific need and is typically defined by the needs associated with the developmental stage of each client.  This role can be increased or decreased over time depending upon a client’s requirement.  To date, many of our engagements have been related to leading, designing and fully developing a client’s internal finance, accounting, tax and financial reporting capabilities.

Some of our more specific expertise includes: (1) entity formation and structuring; (2) start-up and emerging company financial leadership; (3) budgeting, business modeling and forecasting; (4) cash flow optimization; (5) accounting operations and internal controls; (6) tax optimization— at the federal, state & local levels.  We also arrange debt and equity financing and provide advice on acquisitions.

The nature of our client relationships and the role and depth of our involvement has varied over time, but there has been one common thread across all of our engagements: we have consistently had a meaningful impact on our clients, their direction and their success.


Principal Investments